Sunday, August 19, 2012

Armenia - Tavush Region and Haghartsin Monastery

I was pretty exhausted after the first day of the tour.  But every morning we started on the road around 9AM and finished by 5:30-8:00PM.  So each day was quite tiring.

We started the second day by visiting the Armenia Fund projects...  the water irrigation system, the secondary school, and the agricultural projects.  The most interesting one was the fact that they brought 100 Belgian and Dutch cows to Armenia.  These cows, unlike the local cows, produce 10 times more milk so they were especially brought in to help the local farmers and the local produce.  These cows were so pretty in comparison to the local Armenian cows...

Belgian and Dutch cows


Armenian cows


After visiting with the cows, we headed out to Haghartsin Monastery in Dilijan.  The churches in the complex date back between 10th and 13th centuries.

Haghartsin Monastery is one of the few functioning monasteries in Armenia.  Baron Khosrov grabbed the first monk there and started telling his stories.  By this time, the people in our tour had stopped listening to him so he would talk to the first person he would see at each stop.

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