Thursday, August 23, 2012

Armenia - Sardarapat Monument

After St. Echmiadzin tour, we headed out to the Sardarapat Monument, which marks the battle of Sardarapat, Armenia's most significant military victory in 1918 against Turkish forces, without which current Armenian land would most likely not exist.

The stone statues of two massive winged lions flank a bell tower.  (The Stone Garden Guide - Armenia & Karabagh)

When we arrived at the monument, we saw a group of young Armenian dancers, who we later found out are there from Argentina.  I think they were preparing for a video, and they were not so thrilled when we were in their way.  However, they did humor us for a couple of photos.

After we left Sardarapat, the plan was to go to the Genocide Memorial, however, right near the U.S. Embassy in Yerevan, our bus broke down.  We were stranded for about an hour on the side of the road, waiting for another bus, which never made it.  We ended up taking multiple taxis and went directly to a late lunch at a German restaurant (which was delicious!) and ended our day early.

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