Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Genova, Italy - Working days

So! Although I've been in Genoa for 4 days already, I only just shook of my jet-lag today. Finally!

That said, I have to talk about my experience getting into the building. On Monday and Tuesday, I was with my coworker from the U.S., but still needed my own badge to enter and exit the building. The guest badge I got from the security guy at the entrance did not work on the first day. After getting a badge, I would walk about 200 meters or so to the entrance of the offices only to find out that the badge wasn't letting me in.

Here's how it kinda went after I walked back into the lobby after a failed attempt:

Ani: The badge is not working.
Security: Non funzione?
Ani: No, non funzione.
Security: (motioning me to hand him the badge thru the glass window, asking me how long I'm planning to visit)
Ani: Non capisco...
Security: (taking out the calendar, showing me today's date, and then slowly repeating the question)
Ani: Ah, nove de maggio (may 9th).
Security: (tries to give me a badge that will work for the duration of my stay).

So I take the badge, and walk back to the entrance of the office, only to not be able to enter again.

So we repeat the whole thing yet again... About three times I walked back and forth both Monday and Tuesday, only to end up following someone into the building.

Today my U.S. coworker left, so I went to the office by myself. The security guard, knowing my routine, asked to see my badge, and we started the whole thing again. He thought this time maybe he fixed it, so I went on my way.

But not before I told him "a presto!" Which means "see you soon" which made him and the other guards laugh...

I get to the entrance of the office, telling myself "it's gonna work, it's gonna work..." And.... IT DOESN'T! So I gave a loud whisper of F@*k... Which I immediately wish I hadn't since a guy who works in the same office and knew I was having badge problems from the day before was behind me and I think may have heard me cause he laughed... Or maybe he didn't hear me, I'm not sure... Still...

So I walk back... Can't stop smiling to myself... So frustrating... As I'm walking back, the security guy is walking towards me...

He: Non funzione?
Me: Non funzione!
He: Funzione per tutti! Per ti, non funzione!!! Fotocamera si vede, si dice "Ah, non va bene!!!" (OK, I can't remember how he said it so I used google-translate to put this together, but basically he said "It works for everyone in the company, but for you it doesn't work. The video camera sees you and says 'not okay'")

Again I had to follow someone in... But today by lunch time the badge worked. Tomorrow is another day.

I should find out the name of my security guard... Behind the glass window, he's always yelling at me while asking me questions... I'm not deaf... I just don't understand the language!!! So I find myself yelling back "Si!!! No!!! Non capisco!!!"

1 comment:

Christina Mathis said...

Your storytelling is so cute! You should do it for a living :) And I can totally see and hear you saying back to the guard "No funzione!" (did I spell that correctly?) in your high-pitched voice. Haha!