Saturday, April 25, 2009

Genova, Italy - Arrival

April 25, 2009
5:45PM Local time
Munich, Germany

At the airport right now... I have another almost 3 hours before I get on my connecting flight to Genoa, Italy. The flight from SFO to Munich was pretty uneventful. By the time I got to SFO and checked in the bags, I was feeling really tired and sleepy. I think the anxiety of the week got to me eventually and almost as soon as I got on the plane, I started sleeping. Tried to watch "The Duchess" but it only helped me fall asleep sooner. Thankfully I was able wake up each time they served the food and drinks. In such small areas, the smell of food can really wake you up. I had forgotten that I had ordered the vegetarian meal. I had never gotten my food before everyone else before, which was a treat. The yumminess of the food itself is yet another story. I'd never had eggplant, zucchini and spinach for breakfast before. I guess they go vegan when you order vegetarian.

This is my first time traveling with my American passport and I must say it feels good.

I wish I had free wireless connection or a cell phone that worked, but I'll just have to wait until I get to the hotel. I will land in Genoa at 10:40PM, God willing safe and sound.

I miss my pups but I know Ingrid will take good care of them. I hope it doesn't become too overwhelming for her. I'm nervous about work, too. I hope I do a good job and not let my manager or myself down.

April 26, 2009
12:11AM Local time
Genoa, Italy

From Munich, I got on the smallest plane I’ve ever been on, and after an hour and a half, was in Genoa. It was so easy to get thru the airport and then walked straight across to the Sheraton. First thing I visited Shaila. I’m having issues with the internet, though. After spending 5 Euros, I didn’t get to do anything I wanted to. Oh well… I should go to bed now. Looking forward to breakfast!

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