Sunday, May 3, 2009

Lugano, Switzerland

On Friday, May 1st, I took the train from Genova, Italy to Lugano, Switzerland. The first connection was to Milano, which was about an hour and a half from Stazione Principe in Genova. Then the connecting train took about another hour. It was really nice to take the train in Europe, as this was my first time. Although both times someone took my window seat. The first time was an old couple and they were just so cute, I didn't mind. But the second time was an ugly guy wearing sun-glasses indoors, obviously thinking it's hot to wear 80's style golf pants and his girlfriend (they weren't Italian, so I won't hold it against the country)... Even after showing them my ticket, he kept acting like it was their seat... Then they kept sending little kisses to each other, which was really disgusting! At first I couldn't fathom sitting there for a whole hour, but thank goodness they got out in Como so I could seat in my window seat for half the trip.

Lucky for me, things vastly improved from that point on. Cousins Lerna and Tamar came to greet me, and after many years of not seeing each other, it was quite emotional for me to see them.

In Lugano, Switzerland, with my cousin-in-law Sarkis and my 2nd cousin Alin...

Here we are in front of a fruit stand where you cannot handle the fruit. You have to specifically ask the fruit-man to bag the ones you want.

With Sarkis, Alin, cousin Tamar, and Tamar's fiance, Allen.

A chocolate shop in the city center.

At cousin Lerna's house... Everyone's laughing at me saying "Ismail" instead of "Smile"... I guess that's not as common among Armenians in Switzerland as it is within my family back home. :)

Sarkis was in charge of the vegetarian BBQ... Those on the grill are cheese patties and a tofu sausage.

Allen was in charge of the real meat... As you can see, he's really into it and had to concentrate very hard.

With cousin Lerna, Allen, Sarkis, Tamar, Armin and Alin.

Finally we get to eat... Everything was so very tasty... Well... almost...

Here, cousin Armin's reaction to the tofu sausage... After taking a small bite, the verdict was in. I didn't even try it.

So I had the honors of feeding the tofu sausage to the dogs, Sirun and Terry, who didn't mind it one bit.

We had a lovely breakfast with all kinds of cheeses and meats and tea Armenian style. I was so lucky because after a rainy work week, the weekend was so lovely, and so enjoyable at Lerna and Sarkis' lovely home and backyard.

I had a joyful 3 day weekend in Lugano with my family. The weather, the city, the company. One can really not ask for anything better.

And finally, a short video of Lugano from the train...

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