Friday, June 5, 2009

Rome -- the round-about way

I had been really excited and nervous about my trip to Italy, but my day actually started out well. Woke up on time, Ingrid brought me to the SFO on time, took off to transfer in Philadelphia on time.
From then on, things started changing. There was some turbulance and the plane had to be on a holding pattern for about an hour so by the time I got off the plane, it was 5:55pm and the plane to Rome was to leave at 6:10pm. So I ran like I never ran before, with my big backpack and my small backpack. I was so out of breath. When I saw people at the gate, I relaxed because I was there by 6:00pm, only to find out that those people were not being allowed on, just like me. They had to close the doors 10 minutes before so they wouldn't let us on, even though the plane was still there. I was so mad... I could not believe the pilot didn't inform the next plane that we were going to be late.

So I had to go to the service desk and try to get on a different flight. The lady gave me a new ticket to Madrid and then from there to Rome. That plane was supposed to land in Madrid at 8am and take off to Rome at 9am. But that plane ended up leaving 3.5 hours late with us sitting in the runway with no idea as to when we were going to take off. Lucky for me, when I first found out that it was going to be late, I changed my Rome ticket to leave at 12:35pm.

The only funny part about waiting was that the kid sitting in the aisle across from me kinda kept me entertained, staring towards the window and saying "1 hour later..." "55 hours later..." It was quite funny.

Finally arrived in Madrid on time and got on my plane. As I found my seat and I was getting ready to put my backback up in the compartment, I heard two men starting to yell at the very back row, just a few rows away from me. Then I see them looking like they are trying to revive a third man, couldn't tell from what. I thought maybe he was having a seizure. Then one of the men yelled "Medico!!!" calling for a doctor. The man asked for gloves from the flight attendant and then gave the sick man a shot... There was blood on the man's arm and it got on one of the seat covers, too. The man who gave him the shot also had hand-cuffs with him, not sure why, because he wasn't dressed like a cop. The sick guy was finally revived and breathing and coughing, after which the medics arrived and checked him out. I had no idea what was wrong with him. I think they tried to get him to go to the hospital, but he refused to, and about 30 minutes later than we were supposed to, we


Anonymous said...

Hi Ani....looking forward to seeing you...for another amazing test sssion on GP8 ! Ciaoooo. Mino

Anonymous said...

Wow, that must have been one helluva journey! I'am sure its all going to be worth it! Enjoy...

Christina Mathis said...

Where's the rest of the blog--it looks like it was cut off mid-sentence...

Ani said...

yeah, what's up with that? i'm not sure what happened!!! ha ha ha!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Anni,

very nice.
