Thursday, June 25, 2009

Isola di Capri, Italy

Eric and I left our camp-site in Pompeii and headed out to Sorrento... Our intent was to go to the Island of Capri from there and stay a night. Once we arrived in Sorrento, again without a place yet to stay, we found out at the tourist information office that Capri is very hoity-toity and they do not have any hostels or camp-sites for people on a budget, like us. So we decided to look for a hostel and found the cheapest one of my entire trip, for 18 Euros a night!!! We were told that Capri is just a short ferry trip from Sorrento. We spent the night in Sorrento, and the next day took the ferry to Capri first thing in the morning.

I was so excited about Capri, because I knew all about it from the one-liner from an Enrique Iglesias song, and I really just wanted to spend a day doing nothing, on the beach, try to even out my weird tank-top tan. The ocean air made me feel so wonderful and I couldn't wait to get there. As you can see, it looked so beautiful from afar, too!

We found a beach just a few hundred steps away from the docks and just layed out my towel there on a small amount of sand that was surrounded by rocks. This was exactly what I was looking for in Capri... The water was so wonderful, the perfect amount of coolness, with way too much salt for my taste. But after a couple of gulps which made me feel like I was going to choke, I learned to stop grinning with glee and keep my mouth closed while swimming. After some time Eric left to roam the island and I stayed to sun-bathe and swim for about 3 hours...

My intention for the day was just to stay at the beach, but then I got hungry and realized that I was turning quite red. I decided to pick a place where there was no cover-charge or service charge (this I learned from Eric) and decided to have a panini Caprese, which is a sandwich with mozzarella, tomatoes and basil (salad with these ingredients is also called Caprese) and decided to have my first (and turned out to be my last) alcoholic beverage in Italy, una birra! It was very light drinking it, but it was a large glass, so I was feeling its effects.

After lunch, I decided to follow the signs to the Capri Centrale, where Eric and I and two Swiss guys from the hostel said we would try to meet up if we could. It turned out to be a 15 minute hike up a corridor surrounded by beautiful houses. I kept walking and walking and walking, and in my tipsy state, I kept asking people "how much further up??" It felt like forever to get there and mind you, it was steep! Probably 40 degrees or something... Anyhow, I finally reached it and as you can see, the view from the top is fantastic!!!

Basically it's your average rich island, with rich people, rich (but really really awesome!) houses, and rich stores... I tried to imagine what it must be like to live here, but I don't think it's healthy for me to torture myself in such ways...
I'm sure there is more to do in Capri... I think you can take a train ride and go all around the island... Probably it has some incredible history... But I was there for swimming and sunbathing, and I got what I wanted, so at the end of the day, I was so so happy!!!

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