Friday, May 8, 2009

Genova, Italy - Torta, futbol and trumpets

I never thought that I would be able to see a futbol (soccer) match while I was in Genova, but I guess I was lucky that my co-worker Pier asked if I would like to go, and another co-worker, Matteo, was able to get me a ticket for a minor league game. I was really excited for the opportunity and it was so much fun.

We set off Thursday from work to the part of town where the Genoa Stadium is. First we got some Focaccia bread from a store, which was extremely yummy! So warm and soft and salty. Not like the ones we get in the U.S. It was so delicious.

Then we went to a small restaurant and Pier helped me order my vegetarian Torta Pasqualina and Farinata di ceci. Basically cakes made with spinach and rice and chick peas and garbanzo beans... Don't let the picture deceive you. It's all very delicious! Especially with some red vino.

After the restaurant, we walked over to the stadium. But before going in, we stopped over at a bar next door to get some beers and drank outside. It was a really nice night, with people wearing their Genoa team colors, rossoblu (red and blue).

Watching futbol, you stand up the entire time... and then you sit down during intermission... then you stand back up when the second half starts. I was doing a lot of people watching of the futbol fans... There was a guy who was walking around, asking people for a "trumpet" which my co-worker Mauro informed me that is a nick-name for a joint. I was thinking, "that's a strange name" but then I saw one, and knew why. It's for the way they roll it. I might be naive, maybe this is a common thing... I realized then there were trumpets everywhere... I was worried I was gonna get a contact high. But no...

My co-workers Mauro, Matteo, and Pier. There was also Filipo (gosh, I hope I'm spelling the names correctly), but he was away when I took the picture (mi dispiace!). But he's in the video!

The Genoa team won, 2-0, and I had a blast with questi ragazzi... Pier was singing the futbol songs the loudest, and it was a really fun experience for me. Italians are very friendly, and very funny, and my coworkers kept me very entertained with their light-hearted jokes and conversations. I had a blast!


Matteo said...

Hey Any, nice to hear you had a good time here in Genoa!
Next time you should see a real football match with our major team: Sampdoria (Pier will kill me for that since there's a sort of competition between Genoa and Sampdoria...).
And you definitely must visit the Riviera Ligure (the coast) that is lovely diuring summer.
take care!

Unknown said...

Hey Ani,
Matteo didn't tell the truth...
the first football team in italy is Genoa....Genoa was founded in 1893 by an english doctor while sampdoria was founded in 1946...
Next year Genoa will play teh "europe league" competition because we arrived 5th in the italian championship could tell Matteo the position of sampdoria...i don't remember
Anyway we're waiting for you in Genoa again ....