Sunday, April 22, 2012

Carmel with Kosmo and Maddy

This summer I'm determined to take the dogs to the beach more often.  So yesterday was our first trip in quite some time.  We left pretty early, around 8:30AM and we were there by 9:40AM.  And the weather was just so perfect!  So warm and the beach was just perfect!  As always, I let Maddy off leash but kept Kosmo on the long leash.  He was having such a blast, going in and out of the water, aggravating Maddy each time.  Maddy doesn't like to go in the water, so each time Kosmo would go in she would bark like crazy, as if calling him back.  We walked up and down the beach and then we sat down for a bit to sun-bathe.  Kosmo and Maddy were loving the warm sand.

A little kid kept coming by to pet the dogs while we were sun-bathing.  He was cute, but after some time I decided to walk along the beach again and let Kosmo off leash so he can frolic a bit.

Here comes the bad part of the day...

Within 5 minutes, he somehow twisted his ankle and couldn't walk.  Sigh...  I had to carry him up the beach for 20 minutes to the car.  He gets so heavy after a few minutes and he couldn't walk on the sand, though he could limp thru on cement when I needed a break from carrying him.  We finally made it to the car.  Poor little Kosmo.

And as I was trying to get out of my spot, I bumped the car behind me...  Thankfully there was no dent or anything.  So in my frustrated state, I just got back on the road and called Mathis right away.  To me, she's always the right person to call when I have minor (or major for that matter) emotional crisis because she helps put things in perspective when I'm emotionally unbalanced and can't think clear.

When I got home, I gave Kosmo an anti-inflammatory and made him rest and monitor his ankle.  He seemed to get better and this morning he's walking fine.

Perspective...  It's so hard to achieve when you get frustrated, which I do often.  Instead of carrying Kosmo all the way up the beach, I could have sat on the sand and let his ankle rest and recover the sprain and gotten on the road an hour later.  I had other plans for the rest of the day,  to work out, to clean the storage room, however I had to recover and calm down from my frustrations so that's what I did by relaxing and watching TV.  I hope I can do better when I'm faced with minor crisis next time.