Sunday, July 31, 2011

Relay For Life, Oakland

About a month ago, I saw on FB that my friend Joy signed up for the Relay For Life event in Oakland to help raise money for American Cancer Society.  Right away I asked her if I could join her team and started my fund-raising efforts.  Almost immediately I sent an e-mail to some friends and family, and people started  donating from all walks of my life...  Dog park, work, ex-work, girl-friends, guy-friends...  Even up to the last day, I had people donate to me and my team.  Originally I started with $100 as my goal, but I immediately changed it to $500 when I realized I was going to reach that goal quickly.  I was able to collect people's change at work and also sell some beaded jewelry to raise funds.  Also I am gifting some bracelet/earring sets to some folks who donated at least $25.  In the end, I raised $514.99 online, and $350 from coworkers and friends which I will have my company match for American Cancer Society.

At the event, I was ready...  I was ready to walk...  I knew I was going to walk a lot in support of the cancer patients, survivors and those who've lost their battles.  I set an inital goal of 20 miles for myself and hoped that I would make it.  I also was going to walk for all the people who donated to my cause, which was a humbling experience and to let them know I was taking this seriously.  Until 10PM, I walked 16 miles (3 miles at a time and pacing myself at times to prevent blisters).  I took a nap break from 10-midnight and then completed 20 miles by 1:15AM.  I went to sleep on the field with all the ladies (on my air mattress...  I'm a city girl!) until 5AM and walked until 7AM and made it to 25 miles total.  My last couple of miles were slower walks as I was starting to hurt.  But I'm happy with my total number.

During the event, I met some wonderful ladies (and some gentlemen), had fun conversations, laughter and tears.  The event raised about $47,000 for ACS and our team, for having done this for the first time, stuck to the relay rules, had someone on the field walking at all times.  It was a complete success!